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Hi Boxed Customer! Unfortunately our subscriptions are not currently live.

In the meantime, feel free to look through our quick and simple subscription process to help you pick what plan will fit you and your child best, or head on over to our shop to see what else we have to offer!

Research Your Plan

Boxed plans to offer 2 types of reoccurring subscriptions, a monthly plan and a yearly plan. While we think both plans are fantastic, we want you to pick which one works best for you.

Scroll to check out what each plan has to offer!

Purchase Your Subscription

Once you’ve done the hard part by selecting your plan, simply click on the subscription you would like to purchase and fill in your information!

Now you can sit back, relax, and wait for the learning to arrive on your front doorstep!

Begin The Journey

Once your box arrives on your doorstep, the learning is at your child’s fingertips. Open your box, remove the contents, and start your child’s unique educational path with ease.

We wish you a wonderful experience, enjoy!

Boxed Monthly

Boxed releases a new theme each month, and with each new theme come a wide range of products, and a brand new box.

The monthly subscription allows you to cancel anytime, in case there happens to be a month you or you child wants to miss out on!

End your subscription anytime, and restart anytime!

Boxed Annual

The Boxed Annual Subscription is for our customers who want a good deal and a low commitment plan! 

Ensure that a box comes every month of the year with just a simple click of a button, no other hassle required.

Pay upfront, and renew only once a year.